Wild Hare
Other Wildlife Photography

Date TakenDate Taken: 02/09/2015
Camera ModelCamera Model: NIKON D4S
Focal LengthFocal Length: 400mm
Shutter SpeedShutter Speed: 1/160s
Aperture valueCamera Aperture: f/8
Wild Hare


A Large Hare sneaks up behind me in The New Forest. This was a shock to me. I was laid down waiting for a pheasant to pop his head up for a good 15 minutes. I randomly glance over my shoulder to see this enormous Hare sneaking up on me. As this was the first time i've ever seen a wild Hare, I was in a bit of a hurry and I made a VERY rookie mistake that nearly cost me dearly. The Pheasant had been in much brighter, direct sunlight. Upon turning to snap a shot of the frozen Hare, (that was in MUCH lower light due to trees covering the road), I lowered my shutter speed FAR too much rather than opting to open up on my Aperture! The result - one sharp shot out of 15 before the Hare bolted down the road. Lesson learned!